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How It Works

Prevent Stains From Happening With PristineCollars

You treat the problem before it’s a problem, and it’s never a problem! Just like a household appliance, or your car for that matter, regular maintenance ensures that nothing goes wrong. The same goes for your white shirt or collar. By using PristineCollars on a regular basis, you are ensuring that your white shirt will stay white and doesn’t begin to reflect the length of time you’ve had it. You can even use PristineCollars on the cuffs, pockets, and armpits of your favorite white shirts. These can be problem areas, and will easily pick up any sweat, body oil, or makeup on your skin. One of the best ways to remove stains from your shirt collar is to prevent them from happening.

Try PristineCollars, the only stain prevention product on the market today, designed specifically for White Collars! For more information, don’t hesitate to contact us today!

PristineCollars is the only product on the market today designed specifically to protect your White Collars. 

How to use PristineCollars

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